Pacific Challenger

from $2.85
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The worlds first Phytophthora (root rot) resistant asparagus variety, Pacific Challenger produces a beautiful medium spear with great tip quality. Crowns are free from all asparagus viruses which will ensure longevity of your asparagus bed.

Picked fresh, you should expect a crisp, sweet spear that is tender throughout. Spears should be left until they are at least 20-25 cm before picking to optimise yield.

Pacific Challenger’s spears are versatile and great for all forms of asparagus cooking.

*For orders over 100 crowns please contact us directly

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The worlds first Phytophthora (root rot) resistant asparagus variety, Pacific Challenger produces a beautiful medium spear with great tip quality. Crowns are free from all asparagus viruses which will ensure longevity of your asparagus bed.

Picked fresh, you should expect a crisp, sweet spear that is tender throughout. Spears should be left until they are at least 20-25 cm before picking to optimise yield.

Pacific Challenger’s spears are versatile and great for all forms of asparagus cooking.

*For orders over 100 crowns please contact us directly

The worlds first Phytophthora (root rot) resistant asparagus variety, Pacific Challenger produces a beautiful medium spear with great tip quality. Crowns are free from all asparagus viruses which will ensure longevity of your asparagus bed.

Picked fresh, you should expect a crisp, sweet spear that is tender throughout. Spears should be left until they are at least 20-25 cm before picking to optimise yield.

Pacific Challenger’s spears are versatile and great for all forms of asparagus cooking.

*For orders over 100 crowns please contact us directly

Pacific Challenger F1 is the world's first Phytophthora resistant asparagus variety. Phytophthora rot is an important fungal disease of asparagus and it can causes establishment failures and can reduce yields by over 50%.

Pacific Challenger trial results in several countries show the new Phytophthora-resistant asparagus not only survive the ravages of the disease but produce higher yields than some of the best varieties currently available.

It is a mid season variety and produces long medium spears which are perfect for fresh production and processing.

Crowns of Pacific Challenger are free of Asparagus Virus 1, Asparagus Virus 2 and Tobacco Streak Virus. Freedom from Asparagus Virus 2 means Pacific Challenger is less susceptible to Fusarium rot.